Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I am grateful for....

I am grateful for Jesus dying on the cross for us. I am grateful that I have wonderful parents that care about me and want what's best for me. I am grateful for loving sisters and brother that are my best friends. I am grateful that I have so many friends. I am grateful  for the church school. I am grateful for my dad working 4 jobs for our family. I am grateful for my pets, a loving cat and cute guinea pig. I am grateful that I don't have to search my entire life to find happiness. I am grateful that I have lots of people trying to work things out so i can have fun. I am grateful for piano lessons. I am grateful for being able to save up money to get an item i want. I am grateful for a roof over my head,  and a bed to sleep in. I am grateful that I have air conditioning, and even if i am outside in the heat, i can cool off by the water. I am grateful that I have plenty of food to eat. I am grateful that my parents teach me how to work by doing chores and preparing me for when i have my own family. I am grateful for a big house. I am grateful for a computer to blog on. I am grateful that I have an electric scooter, a nintendo ds, an i Pod. I am grateful, that I have so many things I am grateful for, I can barely type fast enough for my thoughts. I am grateful for the great people in my life who made me who I am, who I look up to. I am grateful for the Word of God. I am grateful, that Jesus forgives me from all my sins. I am grateful for books. A whole bookshelf of books I have read. I am grateful that mommy is letting me stay up late enough to type this out, but I probably should go to bed now. I'll write more grateful things tomorrow!

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