Saturday, June 25, 2011

Bible Study :)

Every night our family does something we call "Bible Study". We do it every night at around 7:00ish...
Our Bilble Study goes something like this: Read the bible and discuss about what it means,(we're starting in the new testament, and almost done with Matthew!), then we say sorry to each other if we did anythiing earlier that day that we need to apoligize for, Character Qualities are next, and last of all is prayer. This all takes about 30-45min, but we enjoy the time together as a family!
I like reading in Matthew, where it tells about how Jesus lived, died, then rose again! It's enetertaining to listen to(one of my parents read)and fun to discuss after wards.
It's nice to say sorry to each other, so we can wake up the next day, not feeling bitter towards anyone, and be able to feel like it's a new day!
Character Qualities, are Qualities in people, that we want to show especially in the week, for example, our character Qualitites this week are Puncuality and Contentment! We usually have two a week, and they all have a definition to what the Character Quality means, and a verse to go along with it.
Usually the prayer starts with Matthew, Alaina, or Johanna. My parents then end the prayer after everyone has prayed and that's the end of bible study! My favorite part is reading God's Word and talking about it afterwards! We all have a great time being together as a family! :)

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