Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cute/Funny things Elise says

Ok, so I got a new room with Lisey. The guinea pig is in the closet (which is big) and Lisey and I are trying to convince him to come out of his cage. Benny walks in, ruining the chances of the guinea pig coming out. So I say "Beeenyyy, Get outta here!" Elise hits Benny on the back and says "Benny! Get outta here!" in that sweet litle voice of hers. It was soooo funny to watch her, but I tried not to motivate her to hit him more, by laughing at her.
Also, a few days ago, she couldn't get a key chain off my backpack by tugging it as hard as  she could. So she says "Ugh! I can't! Dang it!". She copies EVERYTHING.
This morning I was watching spiderman. I hear "Katie" in Lisey's sweet voice. I turn around to see her smiling right in my face!! LOL!
I was making pancakes a few days ago. Sharing a room with Elise, my alarm went off at 6, and she had to get up with me. I asked her if she wanted pancakes and she said "Yes!". So as I am making it I am talking to her about the process of making them. I hold up the pancake mix, and say "So basically this is what you're eating". She glares at me and says "No!". lol!!!
Actually awhile ago, when she didn't really understand responding to questions, or what things meant, because she was just learning to talk, she brings up a go gurt to me and says "Haaaaaave........THIS!!!" and holds it up. My mom ,behind her, is motioning no, because it is too messy. So I tell her "No, Lisey, it's too messy. Do you want something else?" She responds "NO!" and starts crying, and doesn't stop until she had something else to eat. Lol!
I will definetily write more stuff with Lisey (that happens daily) on my blog. <3

1 comment:

  1. Awww :). It'll be fun to share a room with her :)! I love it when they move into my bed... their little selves all snuggled up beside me :).
    Heeheehee... I don't think she likes dry pancake mix ;)! That was cute!
    I was lucky with Abbi... she would wake up when my alarm went off at 7:00, and we would have about an hour together- she would read a book quietly while I had Bible time, and then help me with whatever I was doing after that. But, now that she sleeps with Tori, it seems that she doesn't wake up that early nearly so often, even though she is still in the same room! It is weird, because it had gotten to the point that she could *be* my alarm clock- if I forgot to set the alarm, she was "wired" to wake up at 7:00, so she would wake up and wake me up at least by 7:15! Emmi (my new bed buddy) never notices the alarm :)...
